Easy-Low Carb Chicken Spaghetti Recipe

Hey everyone, it’s your boy Hulk signing in again, and today I’m hitting you with another cooking blog! First off, I want to say thank you to all my personal training clients and online supporters. You're helping me live out my purpose, and I appreciate every one of you.

So, let’s dive right in! We’re making a healthy Chicken Rotel Pasta. If you’re on a diet, you know how boring the same meals can get, but trust me, this recipe will shake things up! I actually came across this on another YouTuber’s channel, and I knew I had to share it with you all.

What You’ll Need:

  • Pasta Zero: This pasta alternative is amazing! The macros are on point—zero fat, eight grams of carbs (in the whole bag), and two grams of protein. You’ll find it in the refrigerated section at the store, usually near the fresh greens. It costs about $2.30 for a pack.
  • Fat-Free Cream Cheese: We’ll be using 4 oz of this.
  • Shredded Chicken: I have 6 oz of boneless, skinless chicken breasts that I cooked in a crockpot for about four hours.
  • Rotel: The key ingredient! You can't make Chicken Rotel without Rotel.

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Boil the Pasta Zero: It says it’s ready to eat straight out of the pack, but I prefer to boil it for about two minutes. First, drain it, then rinse it under cold water. While it boils, let's prep the other ingredients.

  2. Cream Cheese Prep: Put your fat-free cream cheese on the scale and measure out 4 oz. Add it to a small pot on medium heat to melt.

  3. Measure the Rotel: I’m using half a cup of Rotel for this recipe. Measure that out and add it to the cream cheese once it's starting to melt. Stir it all together until it's smooth and combined.

  4. Shred the Chicken: If you haven’t already, shred your chicken. Since this meal is for Kim (one of my clients), I’m using 6 oz of chicken. Adjust this amount based on your own macros or protein needs.

  5. Mix Everything Together: Add the chicken to the cream cheese and Rotel mixture. Stir it all together until it’s creamy and well combined. Now, drain your pasta and add half the pack (about four carbs and one gram of protein) to the pot. Stir it in gently.

  6. Season to Taste: I like to add a little crushed black pepper and sea salt. You don’t need much—just enough to bring out the flavors.

The Final Touch:

Once everything is mixed, serve it up in a bowl and enjoy! I already know how good this is, but I’m going to do a live taste test for you anyway. Honestly, this is a great low-carb alternative to regular pasta, and while it doesn’t taste exactly like spaghetti, it’s close enough—especially if you’ve been dieting for a while.

Macros Breakdown:

For this meal, you’re looking at around 50 grams of protein, zero fat, and about 10 grams of carbs. It’s healthy, filling, and packed with flavor!


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